About me

A special hello to all my new friends,

My name is Rebecca Sar, and while some parts of my story may seem very different from yours- the places where our stories connect are where we find powerful opportunities to make meaningful change in our lives.

I was born in Liberia, West Africa.  In 1993 I was humbled and felt privileged for the opportunity to have migrated to the United States during the Liberian Civil War that resulted in the senseless loss of many innocent lives. Based on my experience both as a survivor of the tragedies of my home and as a woman who has worked diligently to create a new life for myself in a new home, I do not take life for granted. I believe in using every opportunity to live with a spirit of love and service for the greater good.

Over the years I’ve enjoyed many transformational successes. I was given the opportunity to earn an education, I built a marriage and was blessed with two incredible children, and even purchased a single-family home while creating a professional career that was leading me to an ideal life… or so I thought.

An Unexpected Opportunity

Life took an unusual and truly unexpected turn for me, and on this new diverging path I ended up divorced- something that in my subculture is still considered to be a fundamental failure in life. To further complicate matters, that home I had been proudly building for my now fractured family was forced into a foreclosure. Luckily, there were willing buyers, but I found myself renting a costly apartment to expediate the sale. My plan for my education was also impacted, as I postponed completing my BSN education for a year to focus on this new wave of challenges looming over my life. Disenchanted with the reality of a foreclosure, watching my excellent credit rating I had worked tirelessly to build dropping as bills piled up, it would have been easy to put the blame anywhere else and just give up.


Thankfully, I made a different decision. I chose to take full responsibility for my life. I committed myself to rebuilding my life- not just for my own success or for the sake of my children, but also for the many young relatives and friends still in Liberia who must worry about their basic provisions for life on a daily basis. I knew I needed to do even more, especially if others can have a better life experience through my story.


Today what I can observe and share is that the unexpected turn my life took was truly an opportunity to find a life I was meant for, not the one I thought I needed.

Transforming Lives

As a mentor, and in my own life, my passion is the pursuit of living a fulfilling life that integrates the mind, the body and the spirit into a truly holistic mindset. I came to this space with the intention of igniting hope in those who feel unable to find its spark; to inspire others and transform their lives to their best version, regardless of the stereotype’s society has forced on them or the opinions of other people.

With God, or through divine guidance, I believe each person can create and become a master of their destiny. As a coach, it is my goal to help as many individuals as possible to make their connections through their own story that makes it possible for them to master themselves.

Making a Difference

I believe we as people are interconnected, and together we are stronger and a more enriched society. That’s why I’ve made service for the greater a top priority. In December of 2021, I was honored to join friends and colleagues in founding Children & Youths Empowerment Initiatives Inc.- a non-profit agency with the goal of educating and empowering children and youths in less affluent communities, because I believe these children are an essential part of our future. Children & Youth Empowerment Initiatives Inc. started operation on December 6th by offering homework support to children from grades 1-6, and we intend to offer service up to high school level and eventually globally.

But I don’t stop there as over the years I have found deep value in making contributions to many non-profit entities and charities, including UNICEF USA. I also believe taking action to make a difference and I’m honored by the opportunity to volunteer with the American Red Cross as blood donor ambassador.

Sharing the Gift

Each part of my story is a gift that serves my future, and in that path, you can see how a holistic mindset has made it possible. I’ve developed my mind through continued education, I’ve nourished my body by pursuing better means to care for myself, and I’ve cultivated my spirit by seeking divine influence and giving of myself in the service of others. All of this was made possible by the gifts of inspiration and hope that I wish to share with others.

Our stories might be different, but I’m here to tell you that your story is beautiful. I believe as we share those stories, together we will find the way to transform your story into an unexpected opportunity for the fulfilled life you’ve been waiting for.