Official Charity name:
File Number: 450718536

Mission Statement:
To nurture and encourage disadvantaged children and youths with the view to making the world a better place through education, opportunities for growth and giving back to communities.


Our organization, Children & Youths Empowerment Initiatives Inc., will start work in inner city Trenton, New Jersey including surrounding local areas and other states as needed. In the next three years, we intend to extend our services globally beginning with Liberia, West Africa and later Jamaica, West Indies.
Our goal is to serve children & youths who demonstrate the need to advance, have the curiosity and ability to learn, able to persevere during challenging times and show the willingness to take on social responsibility by giving back to their local communities. We will check the OFAC list to ensure we do not support terrorist or others who do not intend to serve the greater good of society.

How You Can Contribute:

If you contribute annually to a charity organization and want to empower the less affluent for a more balanced, productive, and diverse society, please consider contributing to our organization through your volunteer services or donations.

We currently need reliable volunteer tutors to support students with completing their assignments twice a week for two hours. Also, you may donate financially with the incentive of claiming your donations on your tax return and getting the fulfillment of serving the greater good because we are interconnected as humans. When each of us does well, collectively the world is a more robust and enriched place to reside.

Services of Focus

Some of the services we provide include after-school homework support, social and emotional learning (SEL), arts & crafts, creative writing & public speaking.

Also, we will provide academic scholarships to students in developing or third world countries who do not have to access to adequate free elementary through high school public education.

Current Update/Happenings

This is a grass root nonprofit organization that started at the end of year 2021.

We are providing virtual/online homework support via zoom for students in grades 1-8.

Contact Information

Please email us at for Homework support and volunteer applications.